Wednesday, 19 January 2011


So I've found out that being sick is so not number 1 on my favourite things to do list. (wait, does that make sense?) anyway, usually I like being home alone (well, with my sister) watching TV and being on my lappy-top (I am trying to find it a name, suggestions would be nice) but yesterday felt...well I can only describe it as being...horrible.

The only good news is I got to read a book I have been wanting to read for ages, but...some more bad news...It was really bad.

I read 'Need' by Carrie Jones. I have very little to say about it. Actually that's not true, I found the characters extreeemmely one dimensional, there was a jock, a 'weird' kid, a disabled character that you feel sympathy for, missing parents and a so called 'twist'. so all in all it 'sounds' good. The sad point was it never really came together. the entire book was all about the main character feeling 'sad and hollow' yet she flipped back and forth between happy with friends right back to sucky black hole crap. It seemed extremely unrealistic (is that a word?)

It ended with an extremely strange plot (her grandma turned out to be a tiger...yeah.) which tried to explain itself in about 3 sentences that I had to read about 50 times to sort of understand it. It ended too quickly with a 'solution' that I think anyone could have figured out in about ten minutes, and they go on about how 'special' the main character is for figuring it out! Yeah right.

And apparently there are two sequels. I guess I'll have to read them to see if they match up in ultimate crappy writing and plot, who knows, maybe she gets better with time...right.

Talk to you later people! (maybe its just me on here, but hey, I like talking to myself! )


  1. My laptop (a netbook, really) is a tiny Dell Mini 9 that is pink with hearts on it. I bought her especially for OU and writing. She reminds me of home (Virginia/North Carolina) and so I call her Della.

    Who does yours look like? :)

  2. its a sony vaio one that i managed to get a deal on so it came with 6GB of...uh memory or something. Well my dad said it was good

    It looks black and has my name engraved on it as that was a nice freebie :D

    I love writing on her, its much nicer than on my little notebook :D

    She looks like a 'she' is all i've come up with so far, maybe... Zaria? after the main character in my book? I shall have to give this some thought.
